Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trail Mileage Calculator for Kennedy State Forest

I put together a convenient Excel spreadsheet that lets me calculate the mileage of trail running routes in Kennedy State Forest, and I thought I might share it in case anyone is interested.

It's basically a topological (not to be confused with topographical) map that shows different waypoints along the trails and the distances between them. To calculate the mileage for a route, find the start and end points and add up the distances of all the segments between them (you can do this by hand or in Excel using the "sum" function).

I've included pretty much all the principle hiking trails in Kennedy S.F., but not forest roads or ski trails. The main branch of the Finger Lakes Trail is shown in white, and side loops are shown in the color of their blazes. Main trailheads are indicated in bold. The distances are taken from the official FLT maps and, but I can't guarantee 100% accuracy.

The link below will take you to the file as a Google document, but if you want to save it as an Excel file, just click "File -> Download as -> Excel". I hope someone out there finds this useful.

Kennedy S.F. trail mileage calculator

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